The decreased costs of filing college applications due to things like the internet and the Common Application has increased the average number of college applications that high school seniors submit. This, in turn, has increased the competition between high school seniors to get into any given (mainly selective) institution. A recent NY times article "Greater Competition for College Places Means Higher Anxiety, Too" reports how this is causing more anxiety among college applicants.
Do students actually learn more in courses where they give teachers higher course evaluations? A study in "Meta-analysis of faculty's teaching effectiveness: Student evaluation of teaching ratings and student learning are not related" by Utll, White, and Gonzalez that was published in the just published in Studies in Educational Evaluation suggests that the answer is "no". The authors find that student teaching evaluation scores account for only 1% of the variability across courses in student learning. However, as most professors are acutely aware of, student course evaluations are very important both for getting tenure and salary increases.
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